

قم بطباعة وتحميل الاختبارات حسب المواد التي ترغب بها، ووفقاً لأحدث أساليب وضع الأسئلة

Test 1

اختبار تكيفي ٢ ، أ. عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 2

اختبار تكيفي ١ ، أ عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 3

قدراتي (محاكي ١١) أ.عبير نورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.5 Minutes
Start the test
Test 4

قدراتي ( تدريب ١٠ ) أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.5 Minutes
Start the test
Test 5

قدراتي ( تدريب ٩) أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.5 Minutes
Start the test
Test 6


Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 7


Number of questions : 20 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1 Minutes
Start the test
Test 8


Number of questions : 20 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1 Minutes
Start the test
Test 9

قدراتي (تدريب ٨)أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.5 Minutes
Start the test
Test 10

قدراتي (تدريب ٧) أ. عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.5 Minutes
Start the test
Test 11


Number of questions : 20 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1 Minutes
Start the test
Test 12


Number of questions : 20 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1 Minutes
Start the test
Test 13

قدراتي (تدريب ٦)أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 14

قدراتي (تدريب ٥)أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 15


Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 16


Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.1 Minutes
Start the test
Test 17

قدراتي (تدريب ٤)أ. عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 18

قدراتي (تدريب ٣) أ. عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 19

قدراتي(تدريب ٢)أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 20

قدراتي ( تدريب ١) أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.2 Minutes
Start the test
Test 21

تجميعات قدراتي أ.عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 20 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.25 Minutes
Start the test