

قم بطباعة وتحميل الاختبارات حسب المواد التي ترغب بها، ووفقاً لأحدث أساليب وضع الأسئلة

Test 1

اختبار الرخصة المهنية رياضيات 2 لعام 1444هـ ( الجزء الأول )

Number of questions : 12 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.25 Minutes
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Test 2


Number of questions : 14 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.4285714285714 Minutes
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Test 3

zainah alshehri

Number of questions : 30 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.0333333333333 Minutes
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Test 4


Number of questions : 47 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 2.1276595744681 Minutes
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Test 5


Number of questions : 1 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 15 Minutes
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Test 6


Number of questions : 15 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1 Minutes
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Test 7


Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.5 Minutes
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Test 8


Number of questions : 15 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 0.93333333333333 Minutes
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Test 9


Number of questions : 10 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1.5 Minutes
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Test 10

اعداد أ. عبيرنورالهي

Number of questions : 5 Questionnaire
Duration of each question : 1 Minutes
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